Source Themes

Sahayak - An Autonomous COVID Aid Bot

We present the design of an autonomously navigating robot that can be deployed at hospitals to reduce the contact between healthcare workers and their patients. Future works will involve provisions for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance and solutions for the Global Localization problem.

ReQuBiS - Reconfigurable Quadrupedal-Bipedal Snake Robots

The selection of mobility modes for robot navigation consists of various trade-offs. Snake robots are ideal for traversing through constrained environments such as pipes, cluttered and rough terrain, whereas bipedal robots are more suited for …

OLSAC: Open-Source Library for Swarm Algorithms and Communication

The library presents multiple functions which are identified as basic building blocks of various swarm algorithms, it helps the user in creating future algorithms. Also, this library is open for collaborations from community and has a potential to become single solution for all swarm related applications.